Network segmentation

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Metrics and statistics – driving the point home

Whether it is internally to my board, executives, or employees; or externally for industry events or the Chronicles blog, I regularly rely on leveraging the latest industry statistics and metrics to provide insight to various points. Invariably, I always end up spending an extortionate amount of time looking for the most recent metrics on whatever topic I’m presenting on – time that I truly feel is not very well spent.

As probably many of you do, I started keeping bookmarks of these reports in an effort to make my life a bit easier. It recently dawned on me during a conversation on a virtual CISO event that sharing this list of bookmarks would be beneficial to others in the same predicament; hence the Industry Statistics & Metrics resources page came to be.

On this new Resources page, you will find many of the metrics and statistical reports I use when discussing the state of information security. Many of the typical suspects are here – DDoS, Ransomware, SPAM, Insider Threats, and DevOps – all of the normal data points most of us look for. However, you’ll also find some outliers – the Market Size estimates, US Labor stats on industry size growth and salary ranges, and those ever-so-slightly esoteric statistics that seem to be impossible to find when you need them in a crunch.

While many of these reports are vendor-sponsored, they still contain pretty insightful metrics and can provide a solid foundation for your messaging. That being said, apply whatever deterministic factor you feel is necessary.

Now, be forewarned, many of these sites will require you to provide your contact information before downloading the reports, however, depending on what you are looking for, it may be worth the price of admission.

As always, I encourage you to send me the ones you find useful and I’ll include them. You can reach me here.


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